Disaster Relief Fund For Balinese Families.

Help us feed Balinese families – donate down below.


How You Can Get Involved

You can support a Balinese family by donating a one-time payment or choose the option to support monthly

All money goes directly to families in need

A $30 donation will feed a family of 4 for 2 weeks


Sådan kan du hjælpe

Donationer med MobilePay til + 45 91 25 09 46, doner  direkte til Ibu Wayan Foundation eller støt månedligt

Alle penge går direkte til familier i nød

En donation på 195 kr fodrer en familie på 4 i 2 uger

At this moment, thousands of families in Bali are running short on food. The Covid-19 pandemic has severely impacted economies around the world, including Bali, where tourism accounts for 80% of the island’s economy.

With travel bans and closed airports for more than a year and a half, and with current projections saying that the island will probably be closed for the rest of the year, almost ALL jobs have simply died out..

This complete lack of jobs, and the lack of a functioning social net has left millions of Balinese people with nothing, no jobs, no food, no money, and no way to send their children to school. The situation will only worsen from now on, more so in the poorer families and the thousands of people who live from hand to mouth. That’s why we need your help, we can’t do this alone. Please select your language down below and see how you can help today.

Charity Fund

All the money goes directly to the families in need, we are 100% voluntary and no expences will be used for saleries, travel or marketing, meaning that 100% of donations will go directly to families in need. The people we work with in Bali are also voluntaries, that take no cut of the donations. The only money that does not go on directly is things like exchange fees and money transfer charges by the bank.

Send a Child to School in Bali


Help send Michaels daughter to school, right now we are looking for a sponsor for Debby, so she can finally go back to school, you can either help pay for the entire school year, or pay part of the tuition fee. 

The price for 1 year of school and uniform is $1.700 – As soon as Debby (tall girl on the left) is back in school, we will find a new child in need of a sponsor.

Please donate and then use the contact formular below to let us know if you would like to be a sponsor.

Michael, his two daughters, and his wife

Feeding Families & Sending kids to School Sinse 2020

Families Fed

$ Raised

Children send to School

What We Do

It all started with me, Nicole, wanting to help my very close friend Ibu Wayan from Bali to save her business after many months of lockdown in Bali. A few months turned into many more months, she ran out of money to feed her family of 6 as well. She, along with many other Balinese families, started going hungry to bed, without knowing where their next meal would will from. Now, with more than a full year of lockdown in Bali, the situation has gone from bad to worse. With 80% of the Balinese income coming from tourism, but a closed down airport, people are truly suffering. They are not able to find work, feed their children, pay their hospital bills, or send their children to school. So what started with me wanting to help out a friend, became the foundation to help hundreds of families survive in this lockdown. And so the Ibu Wayan Foundation was born! With the help from many people from all over the world.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple: Send as many Balinese children and families to bed with a full belly every night, this is our number one priority. Second, make sure children are still able to go to school and live as a normal a life as possible. 

Become a Sponsor. Get Involved.

There are so many ways you can help us, the best way is of course to donate money – Either a one-time payment or get on a monthly payment plan.

You can also sponsor a child so he/she can stay in school.

Another way is to simply share the message on your social media platforms and spread the word.

Thank you for your support, Nicole

Tusind tak for din støtte, Nicole

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

You can always contact me and I will answer your questions as quick as possible